Have you heard the news, my friend
Have you heard the news
They're gonna close the factory
Many jobs cut in the city
"It's globalization" they said, globalization
Today I've lost my job for a very good reason
I'm just a peaceful guy
And, sometimes, I wonder why
They said it on TV, my friend
They said it on TV
They have created GMO's
We have to buy to Monsanto
"It's Roundup ready seeds" oh my, Roundup ready seeds
Every year we'll have to buy seeds with terminator genes
I'm just a peaceful guy
And, sometimes, I wonder why
We don't want no G.M.O
We don't want no World.T.O
No chemical pesticide
No peasants suicide but a peaceful world, right now
A peaceful world
Have you heard the news, my friend
Have you heard the news
They're gonna close the factory
Many jobs cut in the city
"It's globalization" they said, globalization
Today I've lost my job for a very good reason
I'm just a peaceful guy
And, sometimes, I wonder why