I just had a painful discussion with me (didn't miss the irony)
Years & years; conditioning me; ordered to be "free"
Yet it always seemed to me; [a notion so vague and mysterious]
A ruinous quest on the backs of millions
Strangers to ourselves / strangers in our cells
What is our common tongue? The matching pain that defines us all
Is this our common tongue? A consciousness in silicon?
Monopolize / militarize / narrativize
We connect in cobalt networks; the empire's thrust
Harvested by slaves; in turn harvesting us
Idleness reified to digit & percent
(Their) stock-prices chained to our time spent
Addiction by design / Life in the hive
Yesterday's selfies / today's biometric profile
Full-time on device / always living my "best life"
Maximum screen time / binge-watch 'till numbness spikes
Stolen focus / vacancies of attention
My binary avatar / hanging in suspension
[stimulating] sleep - deprived / force-fed / content spree
Are you still watching the life you could live?
Α digital dementia a Disorder Republic
"unfiltered" confessions to echo-chambers deemed the public
Ambivalence; compulsiveness
Curating every word and space
Free speech as a f*ckin' PR race
Opium then / Tik-Tok now
Desire's whip / gratification's crown
A neurological debris
(floating) alone at seas of algorithms
Digital town squares packed with (individual) shame
What's the cost of living this way?
Free time / spent it well / Sit /Just sit and watch
Watch others lives / their digital lives /their image
The end of anxiety /stay calm and watch
Let the kids play alone / Leave your friends
/BE on your own
Share your life /CREATE one to show
SMILE-Click-Post -Exist
HASHTAG /Put a hashtag /another one
Hashtag real life / Hashtag try to act /Hashtag just alive / Hashtag what the f*ck
Watch -scroll-Like
Ask yourself /Is it likable what i do? / Is it likable what i see? / Is it likable to be me?
Scroll and find
A way to exist
Commerce your self
Produse dopamine
Serve your image /Serve their image
Happiness for a sec / Sadness till the end
Consume / Dopamine / Exist
The only way to be real / be you / be part of / exist
Commoditize yourself
Commoditize me
(post/ scroll / like / die)
Indulging in narcissistic self-display
Drained; spent monetized rage
How can I love myself if no-one likes at me?
Attention-seekers in an attention economy
Attention-junkies in an attention economy
Scroll / post / like / die
Binge / watch / work / die
We need a technology for revolution not another revolutionary technology