Come in and cuddle to stay warm
Your finger tips are ice cold to the bone
My teeth will shader if the chatter much more
The children look upon us hungry and bored
I'll eat your heart out kid if you stay
The cold has brought us all no pain
My advice is stay way
Cannibals here to stay
The moans at night can't seem to be ignored
The birds have come in to take flesh from bone
The glory of those who went out for help
Now has dimmed to lose of hopelessness oh well
I'll eat your heart out kid if you stay
The cold has brought us all no pain
My advice is to stay away
Cannibals are here to stay
Shelters are made of skins and snow
Now all we have to eat are boiled bones
The savages grow hungry and near
The big star falls and I go numb
Spines gone ice cold, done!
I'll eat your heart out kid if you stay
The cold has brought us all no pain
My advice is to stay away
Cannibals are here to stay