Pass that mic y'all, we gon' say pass it up
I know you wanna rap, but you can't even rap
Pass that mic y'all, we gon' drop the mic down
Drop that beat, drop the mic, we gon' drop that beat y'all
I know you can't rap, I know you wanna rap
Oh, we gon' drop that beat y'all, we gon' drop the mic y'all
We gon' drop the type y'all, we gon' wrap it up
I know you can't rap, so get out my face
Get out my face y'all, cause I don't wanna know you
I know you can't rap, I know you wanna talk about me
But you say I can't rap, but I know how to rap
I got them bars y'all, I got them bars y'all
I know how to rap, I rap everyday
I like to rap y'all, but I'm not a rapper
I just rap, uh, I just rap y'all
I know how to wrap it up and then I rap y'all
I got them bars everyday and then I drop the top
Pass the mic y'all, we gon' pass that mic y'all
Pass the mic, I know you can't rap
Give me that mic y'all, we gon' pass the mic y'all
We gon' pass the mic to me because I know how to rap
I know we gon' pass the mic, we gon' pass it up
We gon' drop the top y'all, we gon' pass that mic y'all
We gon' drop it up y'all, we gon' drop the top
I know you wanna rap, we gon' pass that mic y'all
I know we gon' pass it up, then I'm gonna look away
Then I pass the mic, and then I pass that mic to myself y'all
Then I drop the top y'all
I pass that mic everyday, I pass that mic y'all
We gon' drop the top y'all, we gon' heat it up y'all
I know you wanna rap because you can't even rap
But I don't care what you do, do something else
I know you wanna rap, but you can't even rap
You always talking about me, you say I can't rap
But I know how to rap, I rap in my sleep
I rap every night y'all, I know how to rap
I wanna be a rapper, but I don't
I just rap everyday, I just like to rap for a little bit
Then I rap
Drop the top, we gon' drop that mic y'all
We gon' drop the top y'all, we gon' heat it up
We gon' drop the mic
I know you wanna rap, and then I rap it up
I know you can't rap, put that mic down
We gon' put that mic down, put that mic down