Today Christ comes to the house of the Pharisee
And a sinful woman approached Him, falling at His feet and crying out
'Behold me, engulfed in sin, and in despair for my deeds; and yet
Not despised by Your goodness. Grant me, O Lord
The remission from evil, and save me'
Early in the morning we have been filled with Your mercy, O Lord
We rejoiced and were pleased in all our days
The harlot spread out her hair before the Master
Judas spread out his hands to the lawless men
The one to receive forgiveness, the other to receive the silver
Therefore, let us cry out to You, Who was sold
And Who has freed us: 'O Lord, glory to You'
We rejoiced in the days You humbled us
The years in which we saw afflictions
Look upon Your servants and Your works
And guide their children
A sinful and defiled woman drew near to You
O Saviour, and poured out tears upon Your feet
Proclaiming Your passion. 'How can I look upon You
O Master? For You indeed have come to save the harlot
You, Who raised Lazarus from the tomb after four days
Raise me, out of the depths who is dying; accept me
The wretched one, O Lord, and save me'
May die splendor of the Lord our God be upon us
And may He direct the works of our hands
Even the work of our hands may He direct
She who was in despair for her life, with her evil ways well known
Bearing the myrrh, came to You crying out
'You, Who was born of a Virgin, reject me not, the harlot
Disregard not my tears, You, Who are the joy of the Angels
But, O Lord, through Your great mercy, receive me in repentance
Whom as a sinner You did not cast out'