Tobi Gordon Lyrics
Follow the Star Lyrics
[1] I remember my Grandma
telling the story
How Jesus was born in the hay
Of how millions of angels brought news to the shepherds
They told them where the baby was laid
[2] The wise men had traveled day after day..
Bringing gifts of incense, myrrh and gold
They found Mary and Joseph..and the little Christ child
In the place where the prophets foretold
[CHO] Follow the light
follow the Star
Follow the way
from wherever you are
Follow by day..follow by night..
Follow with every ounce of your life
Follow the Star
[3] Now long years have passed
I have kids of my own
And grandma was right when shed say
This world will have troubles
no need to fear
Look to Jesus
the Life,Truth and Way
[CHO] Follow the light
follow the Star
Follow the way
from wherever you are
Follow by day..follow by night..
Follow with every ounce of your life
Follow the Star
Ive heard many a man
tell this story of love
How God sent His only Son
But your life will not change
till you fall on your knees..
And make Him your Chosen One
[Full Symphony Turn-A-Round]
[CHO] Follow the light
follow the Star
Follow the way
from wherever you are
Follow by day..follow by night..
Follow with every ounce of your life
Follow the Star
[CHO] Follow the light
follow the Star
Follow the way
from wherever you are
Follow by day..follow by night..
Follow with every ounce of your life
Follow the Star
[TAG] Follow the Star
Follow the Star