The other day I felt your embrace
Kissed your cheek and turned around
But chance took you away
Upon return an empty seat I found
I hold on tightly
My fingers grasp nothing but air
You may be gone forever
But you still mean the world to me
I know one thing's for certain
One day we're here
The next we're not
Do what you will, you can't predict
The day that the scythe drops
I'm grateful for the time I have
Time spent with the ones I hold dear
Despite a fickle existence
It's pointless giving in to fear
I don't believe in god
But now I pray
That this was all just
A mistake
Drenched in tears and snot
I ask myself
If given one last chance
What would I say?
What would I say?
So long as we draw another breath
Let us not freeze in regret
Be petrified by death
So long as we draw another breath