Stay happy, stay happy, stay happy
That's the mantra I repeat
Emotions come and go, I don't let them beat
I face each day with a calm, collected mind
Focusing on what I can control, leaving the rest behind
Stay happy, stay happy, stay happy
Equanimity is the key
Riding the waves of life's turbulent sea
Unmoved by pleasure or pain, triumph or defeat
I choose to be content, my inner peace to keep
Stay happy, stay happy, stay happy
A stoic's path, I proudly tread
Unbothered by what others say or dread
I walk my own way, steady and true
Finding happiness in simply being, not in what I do
Stay happy, stay happy, stay happy
This is the code that I embrace
Serenity, my constant state, my resting place
Amidst the highs and lows, I remain composed
Stay happy, stay happy, that's how my story's told.