It comes down to IQ in the walks of life, ayy, in the walks of life.
Well, I don't consider myself a really smart person, saying that would come across as arrogant, but I do have an idea of what's wrong or right, why you gotta text me like that, now we got in a fight.
It comes down to IQ when you can't even keep him under control, he shouldn't have threatened me, him being in class was low. You knew he was sick, but you didn't do shit you dick, you just stand there spying on classes you prick! It comes down to IQ when you can't communicate right, create the stress, and then bang goes the life. It comes down to IQ when you're not even aware of the lack of Natives in your school man that's a scare. It comes down to IQ when you just ghost me and my freaking dad, you downright ignored the team! It comes down to IQ when you call me a pedophile, I just made a joke, what's wrong with you, liar? It comes down to IQ when you stab me in the back, after I was there for you, what's wrong with that?
It comes down to IQ when I get a random note, it just makes me laugh, and I just say "why" you know? It comes down to IQ when you're trying to headline, you kicked them out of the band, now you're being all nice and sly. It comes down to IQ when they don't even mention Natives at a graduation, that's so clueless, it's painful. It comes down to IQ when you tell me you aren't vaxxed, WHAT THE FUCK, you didn't even apologize to my dad! It comes down to IQ. It comes down to IQ when you react in an aggressive way to my professional words, that was not an attack. It comes down to IQ when you have a song with obscure stereotypical lyrics, and you're singing along. It comes down to IQ.
It comes down to IQ when you call me your bestie after we just met like 2 days ago, so let me rave about the fight you got in at school, when you were expelled man, that's just not cool. It comes down to IQ when you laugh at me for not knowing a term, why did you exclude me? It comes down to IQ when you support the guy who banned all Muslims, yeah, that's the sport. It comes down to IQ when you kill millions of people, think it's the greater good. Nah, man, that's just evil. It comes down to IQ when you take a little girl, throw her into gas, where's your heart, that's a little girl!!!! It comes down to IQ when you think it's your right to take from other cultures. Manifest destiny's a lie! No, not at all Mexicans are drug addicts, stop spreading hate and propoganda that makes you sick. As Supaman once said, why do we give them labels? To get properly educated, there's a lot on the table. Flocabulary raps about sticks and stones, I rap about the truth, so get with it, homes! Intelligence is key and it's made for life, see. Without it you're dumber than Robert Kirby. From exclusion to confusion to just plain illusion, I've had my fill of moments worth losing.
It comes down to IQ when you send me a text about a birthday song, and I'm like yes! Turns out the place on the check was a fake bank, you're a porn account. Hacker, get wrecked! It honestly doesn't matter, it's just kinda how it is, but it's a lesson learned, the downside of the biz. It comes down to IQ when you send me a threat, you're supposed to be my boss, but you failed the test. It comes down to IQ when get you on my case for not looking Native in the middle of my song, then we fight in bad taste. It comes down to IQ when you block our car in a space that's supposed to be sacred, now all that goes to waste. It comes down to IQ when you try to get on stage, you're not in our group, it's clearly not a phase. From exclusion to confusion to just plain illusion, I've had my fill of moments worth losing.