We first heard of the City of Moths in our sleep
In our dreams, in our rebarbative nightmares
We shied away from the City of Moths due to pain
Due to fear, due to intermittent despair
We lost our memory of the City of Moths when we woke
When we spoke, when we realized we were somewhere
Our disbelief in the City of Moths was spirit treason
And the reason we were trapped in the down there
We first arrived at the City of Moths in the year 2010 when we finally unbound dread
Our eyes beheld such a sight at the gates of the City of Moths, which happened to be blood red
Our minds were filled with informative thoughts of the City of Moths, a rich history left unsaid
Our new belief in the City of Moths raised our dreary, searching spirits astronomically overhead
Citizens of the City of Moths come and go
As they please and will never lose their vision
We cocooned in the City of Moths in attempts to create a brand new world without elision
No one else has found the City of Moths and here we wait
To integrate with those still trapped in division
The formation of the City of Moths has begun as they make fun and yet we wait
This is our mission