Haul that halyard, make it fast!
Swing that boom to the mizzenmast!
Swab that galley, man that gun!
And when I give the signal, shoot the sun!
Oh, the bos'n's the fellow all the sailors obey
For he gives all his orders in a musical way
Oh, it sounds mighty pretty when he bosses the crew
For he's got a little whistle that's nice to listen to
When the bos'n pipes a tune
When the bos'n pipes a tune
He always serenades you with
A chantey you can croon
There's a twinkle in his eye
And nobody can deny
That when he starts to play, right away,
It's hotter than the Fourth of July
Just to show you his skill
First, he'll blow you a trill
Then he'll give you a thrill
With a "tweet-tweet-tweet" that can't be beat
All your cares are forgotten
Every time you listen to
That jolly old bos'n
Pipin' a tune for you