Well now that the trip is over
And the battle here is won
I'm afraid it's time to go now
Though I must say it's been fun
So as we say our sweet goodbyes
And put this ship to rest
I'd like to give you some advice
So you can be your best
Always brush your teeth
And floss three times a day
Be honest, love your neighbors
In each and every way
Always eat your veggies
And listen to the news
Always be a winner
Even when you lose
Never pet a dog
With rabies in its teeth
Never sniff a gift fish
Or pasta from last week
Never trust your grandma
Cause she forgot to pay
Don't look a pigeons in the eye
They're from the CIA
Close the doors up tight
With military locks
Don't go out in sunlight
And moisturize your socks
Turn off all connections
To wifi in your house
Rival all your friends
In bold medieval jousts
The TV feeds you hate
The radio is BS
Your drinks are being spiked
To keep you in distress
Always be afraid
Everything's a lie
Your families are all actors
So never question why
(Why oh god why what is this madness sweet mother Mary)
(Somebody help me take those masks off please please why do you hate me?)
(Program and Control man! Program and Control! I love you Collin)
And remember to buy our merch