Blue sky, seagulls cry
Calm before storm
Breath in, Adrenaline
Let's bring it on!
Surf's up, don't stop
Let's make the choise
Dive in, the ocean brings
A heavenly noise
It's all about selection
And balance and why
You should Never let the best waves
In life pass you by
Come on, let's ride the Biggest wave
Get on my board, and let us surf away
Come on let's ride the Biggest wave
Life is short, come on let's make some waves
Taste it, smell it
Waves crashing in
Sea breeze, feel at ease
Under my skin
Surf's up, Won't stop
Making the choice
Breath in, Adrenaline
Let's bring it on!
It's all about selection
And balance and why
You should Never let the best waves
In life pass you by
Come on, let's ride the Biggest wave
Get on my board, and let us surf away
Come on let's ride the Biggest wave
Life is short, come on let's make some waves
Be wise, drink your wine
Scale back your long hopes to a short time
Even as we speak, envious time is running away from us
Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the future
Horace (65 BC- 8AD)
Come on, let's ride the Biggest wave
Get on my board, and let us surf away
Come on let's ride the Biggest wave
Life is short, come on let's make some waves