I opened the door and got inside the car
I put the key in the ignition and started the engine
With one foot on the brake and one hand on the wheel I put the car into reverse and backed down the driveway
And then it started to rain
Driving down the city streets wasn't so bad
The rain was just a drizzle
And the street lights
The street lights helped with clarity
But it seemed the further from home I got the rain and wind grew stronger
And the street lights became a memory
And my home became a memory
Then it started to rain
The sun had gone down by now
Everything was black
I didn't know where I was
And I used to know my destination but could no longer recall
I was driving through a forest
A forest so tall the tree tops folded into the darkness
And then it started to rain
In the distance I could see a light
The light was a warm yellow
I kept driving for hours and the light never seemed to get any closer, only brighter
My eyes began to weigh down on themselves
It was getting colder now as well
My breath turned to fog
I started to lose feeling in my finger tips and toes
Everything seemed to be stretching away from me
The light on the horizon
The steering wheel of my car
My own body seemed to drift away from my soul
And for a long time I couldn't feel anything
And then it started to rain