There could never be a bro like this who can do it like this
Flows got cheese and I still got it easy
Ur top favorite rapper isn't fluid like this
Turn the music up everybody gone breezy
I just want deals I got billion flows
Put me on the pennicle I want turn up on the shows
Been there for ma bros but I switch up on the hoes
You niggas don't even make it real like it's suppose to
Never pretending I ain't faking I'm still ill
I'm the shit putting pieces together that's how it feels
I just wanna be at the block top I can't stop
Holding on to my wins I guess I can't flop naa
I pay ma dues I blocked and stopped all the nuisance
It's all about the music for me but it's been me since
Healing every pain I crossed and stabbed abused it
U niggas I bet don't even know that I can fuse this
Selling up the shows my bros
Been so close I can feel it up can tell he knows
Styleey ma no differently it's how I compose
Burning the bridges cos u niggas don't deserve to be close
Been on my toes nigga