I f*cked your sister
Love is what she gave me
It was really fun
When she was inside me
I went deeper
Name the f*cking move
Songs were in the background
With your sister's moaning
Random noises came from her
Letters that were inappropriate
And I f*cking screamed
Nobody was around to hear
Knows me that I f*cked your sista'
What now will I f*ck?
The parents or the children
F*ck everybody, why not both?
Is it ok? I'm not really asking
The law is my bitch (feels gangsta)
Meaning I can f*ck everybody
Of course myself too
The sister at the beginning is ready
Name of this song is your puzzle
Oynk, Oynk, Oynk
Oynk, Oynk, Oynk
Oynk, Oynk, Oynk and Oynk
I am stabbing myself
Love is what I don't have
It is pissing me off
When you have a boner
I do not need your boner
Name of me is Ahmud
Songs of us torn apart
With some yellow jelly cart
Random words are given
Letters which are random too
And I know what to do
Nobody knows what to do
Knows what to do is unknown
What am I saying here?
The song is very weird
F*ck I need to f*ck an ostrich
Is it legal mom?
The Law doesn't matter
Meaning is f*ck him too
Of course myself too
The f*cking is too harsh
Name your last name by song
The f*cking is too harsh
Name your last name by song
I want an apple
Love the apples on my forehead
It is refreshing
When I consume an apple
I marshmallow you too
Name my apples Johnny
Songs about them is lit
With some chicken pot
Random people is sucking me
Letters that look like numbers
And then become guns
Nobody come near me
Knows how to kill I do
What do you talk about?
The make sense bra
F*ck you I'll do what I want
Is this annoying?
The turtle is dying
Meaning the game's over
Of course you too
The game's over man
Name is Bigidibub
I want an apple
Love the apples on my forehead
It is refreshing
When I consume an apple
I want this, I want these shoes
What I want is these shoes
I want these shoes beh