Here's a strange story about Marcus McGee
Who left his poor parents when he was just 3
Took his old teddy bear and headed off overseas
What a strange little fellow was Marcus, young Marcus McGee
Well he spent the next year travelling the world
Fighting pirates and dragons and saving the girl
There was no feat too great - that he could not achieve
What a brave little fellow was Marcus, young Marcus McGee
So when Marcus turned 5, the king and the queen
Threw him the biggest party that you've ever seen
Everyone was there, stars from film and TV
But not the poor parents of Marcus, young Marcus McGee
By the time he was six Marcus knew all the tricks
And he'd made bags of money, selling cheap pogo sticks
So he built a grand house overlooking the sea
What a rich little fellow became Marcus, young Marcus McGee
When Marcus turned 7, he got himself a tattoo
He thought he might as well there wasn't much left to do
Nowhere else to go and nothing more to see
Because he'd done it all already had Marcus, young Marcus McGee
What will become, of little Marcus McGee? We're just going to have to wait and see...
So one day five fat fairies came knocking on his door
And they asked Marcus if there was anything more
That he'd like to do, or that he'd like to see
So he thought for a moment did Marcus, young Marcus McGee
"Well, I'd like to go home, to that town I disowned
To see how far I've come, and how much I've grown
Maybe my old house and my parents I'll see?"
Was the wish Marcus made, young Marcus McGee
Well the next thing he knew, he awoke in his bed
His Mum gave him cocoa and a kiss on the head
Marcus smiled to himself - it had all been a dream
And there's no place on earth that he'd rather be
Than back home with his own family
Than back home with his family McGee
Thought little Marcus, young Marcus McGee
Who was still only