Kramer from Seinfeld
Luna Lovegood and Sybill Trelawny
From Harry Potter
Willy Wonka played by Johnny Depp
S.T.P.D Schizotypal Personality
Ideas of Reference Odd Thinking and Speech
Unusual Perceptual reality
Magical Thinking Odd Beliefs
Do you believe
In telepathy, sixth sense, or E.S.P.?
Or that people
Try to send you messages, like through your TV?
S.T.P.D Schizotypal Personality
Paranoid Ideas, Suspecting treachery
Constricted Affect, Social Anxiety
Lacking Close Friends, Eccentricity
Do you believe
In, or clairvoyance or astrology?
Have you ever felt that you could sense
The presence of a force from some entity?
S.T.P.D Schizotypal Personality
About four percent of the community
Apparent by early adulthood usually,
At least 20 percent schizophrenia eventually
Have you ever felt
Things happening around you had a special meaning,
Or seen auras or energy fields
Around people you're meeting?
S.T.P.D Schizotypal Personality
Strong heritability
More common
If schizophrenia in the family
Do people
Tell you that you seem distant or cold emotionally?
Are you
Comfortable in close relationships?
S.T.P.D Schizotypal Personality
Without frank psychosis
But may experience
Psychosis under stress transiently
Are you often on guard against people
Taking advantage of you?
Do you often wonder whether friends or coworkers
Can be trusted too?
S.T.P.D Schizotypal Personality
Reduced gray matter, temporal and frontally
Subtle abnormalities
In eye tracking movements
Do you feel uncomfortable
Maintaining eye contact?
Do people think you act in peculiar ways
Or have trouble following your conversations?
Observe emotional expression and responsiveness,
Determine severity and persistence
Consider cultural context, Assess impact on functioning
Try C.B.T., Social skills training
Low dose antipsychotics possibly
Do you feel
Very anxious or uncomfortable in social situations?
Does this anxiety
Persist even after you get to know people?
S.T.P.D Schizotypal Personality
Ideas of Reference Odd Thinking and Speech
Unusual Perceptual reality
Magical Thinking Odd Beliefs
Paranoid Ideation, Suspecting treachery
Constricted Affect, Social Anxiety
Lacking Close Friends, Eccentricity