Darling wait for me
Down by the cathedral steps
I'll be just a bit
Throw in a couple of bucks for not giving a f*ck
I'll take your savior with a glass of wine
Down the stairs we go
See that carousel over there?
I found it fond as a kid
I start to laugh and think, "Jesus I'm still a kid"
Who am I kidding? We're all just kids
Running around figuring what to do
With our lives when we grow up
The truth of it is none of it matters at all
It's just now that happens
There's just now that happens
Before we all die alone
Dearest love abroad
I write you in tender thoughts
They've got me on the move
Station to station I'm growing impatient
But I'll hold out just enough to see you before I sail
Through the tides that tell me time
Is just something we made up
To bring some sense out of all this mess
That we put ourselves in
Just like we always do
Time and time again