Promised gold it's only pavement
Seems the scale is always weighted
I got credit card debt
Good luck kid!
I got student loans
Good luck kid!
I got to get a good job
Good luck kid!
So I can get a good home
Good luck kid!
I want the perfect life
Good luck kid!
With the perfect girl
Good luck kid!
She'll fix my heart
Good luck kid!
And then I'll fix the world
Good luck kid!
Too exposed too isolated
My heart's starved emaciated
Try to win the loss is fated
Seems the scale is always weighted
I'm tired of the winners
Good luck kid!
And I'm tired of the losers
Good luck kid!
I'm tired of hoping
Good luck kid!
For impossible futures
Good luck kid!
I need a brand new plan
Good luck kid!
I need a brand new heart
Good luck kid!
I need a better end
Good luck kid!
To this bitter start
Good luck kid!
Two thousand and one
Good luck kid!
Two thousand and eight
Good luck kid!
Two thousand and sixteen
Good luck kid!
This is the American dream?
Good luck kid!
Two thousand and nineteen
Good luck kid!
It just keeps getting worse
Good luck kid!
Two thousand and twenty
Good luck kid!
I'm afraid that we're cursed
Good luck kid!