The spaceship hurtles into the Earth's atmosphere heading for the space base
Buun's crew is long gone
Having succumbed to the strange space virus on the journey home
Little did they know that they were sent to Earth
By the Martians to be hosts for the virus that will destroy life
They can then claim this new Earth
And take revenge for being abandoned to die
Pirate's pitch shout engaged
Bind take seizing the mate
A safe
A light
A grace
A fold
A Cain
A taint
A grace
A fall
Take the salve of a light
Of a cave that shoot the night of content
In an age unkind find
Can you find what you say?
You do not have daylight richer than mine
Content a self
We night
We race
We fall
We change
We take
We crave
We repent
We can't
We count on grace
Can you find what you say?
You do not have daylight richer than mine