Commander Buun readies his top notch crew
For blastoff in the control room of the rocket
Nerves are raw in anticipation of the top secret project
No one knows the risks more than Buun
This was his only way to redeem himself of the shame
Brought upon his head by his own mother the great general
My mother told them I was dead
A ceremony stab to lie to them that way
My cousin's face with the knife of weight
As he witnessed my resurrection
I'm blind from fate
For her son forsake
One day watch a kite
I knew it was my knife
This plot of sunken air now find my light
Now find my way
Out of the night bitter the taste
One with the cycle true to the aim
In a way it sounds absurd and sand it has one mind
Prepare for the stage
Just put me into another cage
I give it to you
The disappointment that was there
On having had their life turned upside down
The slow disease the aim defines
Demanding peace nill shame
I cannot glide
Seek aim