Show me what you have to show
It came on fast and ended slow
I started sure
But now I just don't know
When the trees all danced, I felt at home
But then I closed my eyes
Was all alone
Last night the mirror made my blood run cold
And I know you think I'm brainless
And I know you think I'm wise
Can I ever find the answers
Without severing my ties?
And I know you think I'm brainless
And I know you think I'm wise
But I feel all of the answers
Every time I see those eyes
Well don't look at me with those intent eyes
You listen but don't understand
You'll have to do it yourself though
I can't give you a hand
'Cause if you think you understand
Until you feel it all firsthand
Who know how many things
You'll never know you never know?
My eyes are blue, when seeing you
Blue even when they're not
I love them for their vibrance, and the memories they've caught
But my eyes grow one shade darker with each drop innocence lost
But I'd rather see in grayscale
Than never see at all
Like one last glimpse of beauty
Right before your final fall
I'd rather see in grayscale
Than never see at all
Like one last glimpse of beauty
Right before your final fall