The one foundation, revelation
Rock of my salvation
To love thy God with all thy heart
He commanded me
We are justified
Through your sacrifice
We are reconciled through Christ
Who was raised to life
He has won, He is one, Father Spirit Son
First born in all creation
We are one family, united by his blood
The blood of Christ within
The bread, the vine, eternal line
Lord and my friend
To love thy neighbor as thyself
He commanded me
We are justified
Through your sacrifice
We are reconciled through Christ
Who was raised to life
He has won, He is one, Father Spirit Son
First born in all creation
We are one family, united by his blood
The blood of Christ within
We are one body
One spirit
We have one, Father above
One way, One truth, One life
He has won, He is one, Father Spirit Son
First born in all creation
We are one family, united by his blood
The blood of Christ within