My message is for the youth cause they don't know they got the power
Listen to old bitter men your journey gon be sour
Keep thinking you figured it out youre going to stay lost forever
Keep thinking you figured it out youre going to stay lost forever
Go for what you love
Go hard
Once you make that first step never look back
It's not how it look like
Time ain't on your side
Better hurry up
Lock in
Go grind
Outside is a jungle you can barely trust a soul
And cause you need a mate be mindful of who you choose
Every choice has consequences so deal with them all
It's time to do better than the ones before
You got the power to change the world look in the mirror
See a winner
Think big not small
Let's go
Tomorrow is yours shape it the way you want it
Ignorance is bliss but don't be stupid
You are allowed to f*ck up don't be sorry
See you at the top my young g