Thank you, Jesus, for Your sacrificial work on the Cross that bought me. Hallelujah!
Na nka meyɛ ɔyeraba
(I was once a hopeless sinner)
Yesu Kristo bɛwuu dua no so maa me
(Jesus Christ came to die on the cross for me)
Ayaayadeɛ nyinaa mu n'
(Despite the pain of torture)
Ɔgyinaa mu maa me
(He stood firm in my stead)
Ama ɛnnɛ me nso mayɛ ɔdehye
(And today, I am liberated)
Ɔteaam dua no so
(He screamed on the cross)
Ɔde nne kɛse teaa mu sɛ
(He screamed with a loud voice saying)
Mawie wo nkwagyeɛ ho adwuma n'
(The work of your salvation is complete)
Mawie wo nkwagyeɛ ho adwuma n'
(The work of your salvation is complete)
Mawie wo nkwagyeɛ ho adwuma n'
(The work of your salvation is complete)
Mawie wo nkwagyeɛ ho adwuma n'
(The work of your salvation is complete)
For your sake I left my holy realm of glory
And came down to the realms of earth
I took upon myself your shame and pain and guilt, and
I bore them on the cross
And there I worked to ransom you
And claimed you back to be my own
The debt you owed, I've paid it all
Tetelestai (Mawie)
(Tetelestai...) (It is finished)
Tetelestai (Mawie)
(Tetelestai...) (It is finished)
Mawie wo nkwagyeɛ ho adwuma n'
(The work of your salvation is complete)
Mawie wo nkwagyeɛ ho adwuma n'
(The work of your salvation is complete)
Tetelestai (mawie)
(Tetelestai...) (It is finished)
Tetelestai (Mawie)
(Tetelestai...) (It is finished)
Mawie wo nkwagyeɛ ho adwuma n'
(The work of your salvation is complete)
Mawie wo nkwagyeɛ ho adwuma n'
(The work of your salvation is complete)
(Announce it on the horn)
Hey! Heeeeey, heey, hey! Uuh
It is over! Change has come now!
No more condemnation!
No more slavery!
For the price is paid off!
And the guilt is over!
No more bondage!
I've set you free, you're free indeed!
Tetelestai (Mawie)
Tetelestai (Mawie)
Mawie wo nkwagyeɛ ho adwuma n'
Mawie wo nkwagyeɛ ho adwuma n'
Mawie wo nkwagye n' (I've completed your salvation)
Mawie w'ayaresa n' (I've finished with your healing)
Mawie wo yiedie n' (I've perfected your wellbeing)
Mawie (It is finished)
Tetelestai (Mawie)
Tetelestai (Mawie)
Mawie wo nkwagyeɛ ho adwuma n'
Mawie wo nkwagyeɛ ho adwuma n'
Mawie wo nkwagyeɛ ho adwuma n'
Mawie wo nkwagyeɛ ho adwuma n'
Mawie wo nkwagyeɛ ho adwuma n'
Mawie wo nkwagyeɛ ho adwuma n'
Mawie ne nyinaa (I've finished it all)
Mawie wo nkwagye n' (I've completed your salvation)
Mawie w'ayaresa n' (I've finished with your healing)
Ohhhhhhhhhh oohhhh ohhhhhhhh
And now, this is the word of our testimony
Jesus came to die on the Cross of Calvary
He took our place and carried our burden
And on that cross paid the debt we owed
Now HE says and we believe
Tetelestai! It is finished! Hallelujah!