Hintoni le oyinzayo mfondini
Lena oyinzayo lihlazo kwaphalo, le oyinzayo sisphoso qha.
I wonder wena, isimilo sakho usicolephi nha?
Ngoba utyhola le, uphinde utyhole le, wamjika umfazi ikhoboka. Abasetyhini
Abaphephanga Kuwe mbhem
Mfondini, ithini ingxaki yakho, kha uyifumane.
Women are sore pour and reap
They understand the treat
He pore campus a muscle they grow when you teach. They multiply investment surprising when we fix, ubona ngobona it's harder when she leaves. Wash bone and get born
Cutting when she weeps. I say it like a trash, I'm tryna make sense, man I gatta earn a name better than a curse. We view scriptures but we are lazy on the verse, boys gatta share a slice of bread with your sex, better in the verse, it's better in the universe.