(Whoa) bah bah, Black Sheep, have you any wool?
"No, because the IRS took all my gold
And now I can't afford the taxes to manufacture coats
You think you understand my struggle
But you'll never really know
How this job won't pay enough
For me to feed my family."
Tough to be here in America
(Whoa) bah bah, Black Sheep, how you gettin' by?
"I'm working three damn jobs
I'm working day and night
These embezzlements and settlements are getting old
And now I can't live at home because my family hates my soul
The reason why I cry seems to be the reason why."
We're stuck in the land of the free.
Oh, then the Black Sheep said:
"Now, why do you hate on me?
There is no progress gained through animosity
I'm workin day in and out to support my family
And you've got 15 billion dollars but you're still mad that we're hungry."
The help won't come from them:
The so-called "upper 1%" who's "made in America."