Personification of dependency
I'm the one who knocks upon the door of need
Demystification got a hold of me
Watch the scales fall from my eyes and set me free
You, who came into view
Who knows what to do
When all the thinkers think
For you and I just pass on by, oblivious and blind
Me, the last of the line, career in decline
A final parting shot
And I can say goodbye in any tongue that you assign
Hope is where the heart is you can count on me
Reaching out is reaching in is breaking free
I refuse to forfeit my autonomy
I'm a melancholy-fleeing refugee
You, who fixed me a stare, who cares that I'm there
When all the critics throw
Their poison darts right at our hearts
And hang us out to dry
Me, devoid of myself, in pretty good health
I take the hand of fate
And squeeze it tight with all my might
Then turn to walk away
Make your now too wild for words
Make your now a hurricane
Make your now a "hell no!" to misanthropy
Hope is where the heart is you can count on me
Reaching out is reaching in is breaking free
I refuse to forfeit my autonomy, to refuse any refugee