Mirth obscene diverts its anger
Doubt & Pity, oft perplex
Him in dealing with the issue
To the scandal of sex
Oh successively obsessed with days spent with you
As I brush the willow's pollen off your dress
You ask me "Am I a bad person?"
I dodge the question, but you push
You say "Am I a bad person?"
I say "Are you a bad person?
No, but you're, you're good at being bad."
And what we have here is beyond bad and good
Sane and insane
What we have here is the scandal of sex
"And besides am I a bad person for technically ruining your life?
I don't think so
I look myself in the mirror every day
I still get sad sometimes
I don't feel disconnected, unless you want me to be
But I don't think I am
I'm bad, you're good
We're bad, but baby we're good"