Let's cut the bullshit
And go straight in
On psychiatry
If you take medication
For depression, ADHD, schizophrenia, bipolar, or anxiety,
Know that you aren't alone
In this world
Let's build a better future for ourselves.
Learn about other approaches to recovery.
F*ck the over-medication that the US promotes.
And let's begin this f*cking track.
I was stuck for 30 days of my life
In a psych cell, what damn strife
I was stuck for 30 days of my life
In a psych cell, what damn strife
There was a point where
I drank my own piss
Thinking that that would stop me from
Eating and drinking semen
Urine tastes salty
95 Percent water
5 Percent organic matter
That doesn't really matter
Drink your piss
Or die of thirst
Was I the first
To tell psychiatrists to piss off
Ha no
I was stuck for 30 days of my life
In a psych cell, what damn strife
I was stuck for 30 days of my life
In a psych cell, what damn strife
Are bought and sold
Big Pharma owns them
Drug and insurance companies
Keep making profits
While prisoners become the walking dead
Read Lost Connections
Finland is way ahead
If open dialogue therapy
And rehab works
We should do that too
Medication is a last resort
I was stuck for 30 days of my life
In a psych cell, what damn strife
I was stuck for 30 days of my life
In a psych cell, what damn strife