Ever since ke kuka Benky I'm barely posted ko corneng
Ke thom'o beef-a ke ma grootman, Njaka nou ke ko teng
Threat a di ntshose grootmense Mo ase mo teng
Used to break bread le batho Bao jela ko Potleng
I don't harbour beef, so bafwethu tla ke le Botseng
A ke kgatlhe ko no tlala tlala fela ko di Posteng
I can't be fully booked kes' na selo ka mo potleng
So go thomo blow-a line e be Ya ka oe tshwere
My mind is a different state
My heart is is a better place
My Money comin' in different ways
Compared to jitas my age?
Straata ke se tsamaile o ka no check-a mileage
Unless e Rolex njaka I don't Buy face