You have to have movement of these old ideologies and old belief systems
Stop working with stale water
Be a spring
Let new life be birthed within you
You know the butterfly?
Right, you know the whole idea of the cocoon?
Well, there's this thing I just learned about recently
So butterflies are born with this certain kinda cell, like, innately
And I forgot the word for it, but basically its like these plates
But they only become ACTIVE when they're going through the crystallization phase, so when their body is literally deteriorating do these plates become active to be wings
And to become used within their new body
They always had it, since your making, since the thought of you, since your first breath
But they didn't become active until they started deteriorating
So they started taking out old shit that they couldn't take with them in their evolution
So they let go of old skin
You ain't a caterpillar no more
EAT yourself alive
Throw out that water
Release it from yourself
Vocalize it
Tear it apart
Cause those plates,
That gift,
Your creativity has always been there,
It's just waiting for you to get ACTIVE within yourself