Life a living contradiction
Existence a redundant transition
Slavery an involuntary decision
Everyone looking for difference that we all become differently the same ONE
One, you see I do believe theirs a few things we can agree on
Isn't everyone looking for the one
Searching for the flame but distracted by the smoke
You see everyone is tryna get money, some to be rich, some just not to be broke
Its hard to speak the truth so I just hide behind my jokes
Concept:what is life, why is it made, who gave us this journey that ends in the grave
I said concept, what is life, why is it made, who gave us this journey that ends in the grave
Eternal Slaves
Given the perception that your free
Eyes kept open so none of us can see
You see all they gotta do is make you believe it
All they gotta do is make you believe your free
The best way to make you forget about your roots, is make you focus on the tree
And the best way to keep everybody blind, is to control what they see
Oh and you believe it don't you
They say you can pick any role, you'll just never take center stage
You can pick the book, you just cant turn the page until I tell you to
Little boy grow as much as you want but only my definition of time will determine your age.