I flarped all day
And I flarped all night
I flarped all wrong
And I flarped just right
I flarped once
And I flarped twice
I flarped a hundred
A thousand a million times
Flarp flarp flarp yeah
Flarp flarp flarp all right
Flarp flarp flarp okay
Flarp flarp flarp that's tight
I flarped in the bathroom
And in the shower
I flarp every minute
Of every second of every hour
I flarp until I have to rest
Then when I start to flarp again
It is the best
I flarp in the morning
At noon and at night
I flarp when it's hot
When it's dark and when it's bright
I flarp until I drop
And then I flarp some more
I flarp 'cause I can't stop
Even when I'm sore
Flarp flarp flarp yeah
Flarp flarp flarp all right
Flarp flarp flarp okay
Flarp flarp flarp that's tight
I flarped my way up
And I flarped my way down
I flarp when I smile
And I flarp when I frown
I flarp all the time
'Cause I cannot get enough
I flarp when I'm clothed
And I flarp in the buff
I flarp when I can
And I flarp when I must
I flarp when I can't
I flarp whenever I want
Flarp flarp flarp yeah
Flarp flarp flarp all right
Flarp flarp flarp okay
Flarp flarp flarp that's tight
I go home and flarp in my crib
I flarp from my shoulders down to my hips
I flarp in life and I'll flarp in death
And when I'm gone I'll flarp in Hell