Just about a mile from a dead end sign|If your looking for a party and a really good time|Well you don't need a suit |There's no waiting in line|Just haul your butt down to the old pipeline||Chorus||It's all non stop at the old pipe line|We laughed, we cried, passed out at times|Wouldn't trade a minute of all our good times|Yes, I could go right back to that old pipe line|||It's a left hand turn at the Tucker trails|You need a four by four and one hay bale|Grab a six pack of beer and a bottle of shine|Well it ought to do you good at the old pipe line|||Chorus|||Well, the years have passed but the line remains|A little grown in but it's still the same|Well the crowds a little younger and they move a little fast|But the parties down here they still kick '| ||Chorus|