You stole the fire from the first storytellers and burned all that you feared
Or so you'd hoped
But smoldering coals
Though ashen they seemed
Kept lighted a path
A means to a dream that somewhere in a future time
There'd be an awakening of stronger minds and hearts won by truth
Not by snake oil salespersons peddling falsehoods (they ask)
Wouldn't I like a soul?
A fill for this hole? (I reply)
A spirit I've got and my mind is not for rent
If you want this corpse you can take it
This life is all and enough
All beyond is shibboleth
If any ghosts should haunt my grave let them be all of my own make
No deus ex machina, no bright guiding light
I will not "go gently into that good night"
The fire next time is gonna put out the last
This desert will be converted to glass
A reflection of the past at the very least
Remains to be seen