You've both moved on but at one time you loved her
Now you're divorced, she's taken the kids and moved away
You haven't seen or talked to them in a long time
But they're in your heart ev'ry single day
Call your kids, do it now, be a man, do the right thing
They need to know that you love them, and you always will
Don't put it off another day, days turn into years
And don't be put off by your ex, yeah she's still mad as hell
Stop what you're doin,' no more excuses, call your kids right now
It might be the most important thing you'll ever do
Put yourself in their shoes, they just want their dad
So call your kids, do it now, and say I love you
It's not their fault you fought with their mom and then you got divorced
You never wanted to leave them but she won in court
They need you in their lives, the job of a dad is never done
But you've got to be the grown up one
Call your kids, do it now, be a man, do the right thing
They need to know that you love them, and you always will
Don't put it off another day, days turn into years
And don't be put off by your ex, yeah she's still mad as hell
Stop what you're doin,' no more excuses, call your kids right now
It might be the most important thing you'll ever do
Put yourself in their shoes, they just want their dad
So call your kids, do it now, and say I love you
Call your kids, it's never too late, let them know you care
Call your kids, do it now, and say I love you
Call your kids, it's never too late to reconnect
Call your kids, do it now, and say I love you