We feel depressed because we don't see a way out of a difficult situation
As we learn to forgive, we find that we do have a way out
By looking to how we can forgive the people around us and forgive ourselves
For getting into unhappy situations
Our whole perspective begins to change
New possibilities, which we were blind to before
Become really obvious and accessible as we learn to forgive
Forgiveness helps us to be free of fear
We begin to discover that we have an inner freedom
We feel depressed because we don't see a way out of a difficult situation
As we learn to forgive, we find that we do have a way out
By looking to how we can forgive the people around us and forgive ourselves
For getting into unhappy situations
Our whole perspective begins to change
New possibilities, which we were blind to before
Become really obvious and accessible as we learn to forgive
Forgiveness helps us to be free of fear
We begin to discover that we have an inner freedom