And it came to pass
In the thirty fourth year
In the first month
On the fourth day of the month
There arose a great storm
There arose a great storm
Such as never had been known in all the land
Dies iræ, dies illa (Day of wrath, that day)
Solvet sæclum in favilla (Will dissolve the world in ashes)
Dies iræ, dies illa (Day of wrath, that day)
Solvet sæclum in favilla (Will dissolve the world in ashes)
And there was also a terrible tempest
And also a terrible thunder
That caused the earth to tremble and buckle and shake
As if it would divide asunder
Dies iræ, dies illa (Day of wrath, that day)
Solvet sæclum in favilla (Will dissolve the world in ashes)
Oro supplex et acclinis (I meekly and humbly pray)
Cor contritum quasi cinis (My heart is as crushed as the ashes)
Gere curam mei finis (Perform the healing of mine end)
And the thunderings
And the lightnings
And the tempests
And the quakings of the earth
Did cease!