Unless the Lord builds the house
Its builders work in vain
Unless the Lord keeps our kids
They will not fear His name
Yet He has given a promise great
That surely will not fail
For those who love and fear the Lord
Their children He will save
You are faithful
You are faithful
You are faithful
To a thousand generations
To a thousand generations
Unless the Lord builds the church
Her people work in vain
Unless the Lord spreads His word
Her pastors preach in vain
Yet He has said that He will use
The seeds we humbly sow
Not in our power, but in His own
His kingdom will be grown
You are faithful
You are faithful
You are faithful
To a thousand generations
To a thousand generations
We will sing
Of Your steadfast love
We will tell
Of Your faithfulness
To generations
We will sing
Of Your steadfast love
We will tell
Of Your faithfulness
To generations
You are faithful
You are faithful
You are faithful
To a thousand generations
To a thousand generations
To a thousand generations
To a thousand generations