O humble teacher, only a seeker
Would ever come this way by night
You came because of signs, I came to give you life
Though your concern was kingdom teachings to learn
Well, the words I say are true
You cannot see it unless you're born anew
And just like the wind
Which comes and goes again
So is everyone of the Spirit born
A man was sent, proclaiming men should repent
What he spoke from God was right
He came to testify concerning the light
A voice professed, cried from the wilderness
How water terminates
And by believing how life will germinate
There is another life
Another nature holds
Another realm where life divine unfolds
A serpent wrought for poisoned people distraught
Was lifted on a pole
So when the dying gazed they were then made whole
And God so loved the bitten world from above
That His only Son he gave
In Him believing the world might be saved
And just like the wind
Which comes and goes again
So is everyone of the Spirit born