In a tank
Water filled high
Let's explore
We'll use our eyes
Grab some food
Here we go
Will they sink or will they float?
Which foods should we test out Chef Bisous?
Let's see
Well, I have a juicy red apple
And this cookie
Oh and this marshmallow
Oh my goodness
I love marshmallows
They're so yummy
Will they sink or will they float?
Float, float, float
They float, float, float
Up, up they go
Up, up they go
These foods float
That was so much fun
Let's try again
What other foods can we test out?
Well, hmmm
I have a carrot
Oh an avocado
And I also have this big potato
That is a big potato
Will they sink or will they float?
Sink, sink, sink
They sink, sink, sink
Down, down they go
Down, down they go
These foods sink
Okay Sous Chef Encore
For this next round
I'm going to surprise you with different foods
Are you ready to find out if they float or sink?
Yes I'm ready
Let's do it
Nuts and seeds
A piece of toast
What about cheese?
I have to know
Drop them in
Here we go
Will they sink or will they float?
Sink and float
Sink, sink, sink
And float, float, float
Down, down they sink
Or up, up they float
Sink, sink, sink
And float, float, float
Down, down they sink
Or up, up they float
Some foods sink and some foods float