Ever zany, never rainy
Yo! the Green of Oregon
Tossin' red meat, mostly Beaver
At the throng, so cheer them on
Crazy, glazy fashionista
Uniforms can't steer them wrong
Like your Ducks wit lotsa guts
Then you want mighty, wild
Yeah that's mighty, wild
O our mighty, wild Oregon
You want mighty, wild
Yeah that's mighty, wild
O our mighty, wild Oregon
What you say? Go Ducks
What you say? Go Ducks
What you say? Go Ducks
What you say? Go Ducks
Of Oregon
Ever zany, never rainy
Yo! the Green of Oregon
Tossin' red meat, mostly Beaver
At the throng, so cheer them on
Crazy, glazy fashionista
Uniforms can't steer them wrong
Like your Ducks wit lotsa guts
Then you want mighty, wild
Yeah that's mighty, wild
O our mighty, wild Oregon
You want mighty, wild
Yeah that's mighty, wild
O our mighty, wild Oregon
What you say? Go Ducks
What you say? Go Ducks
What you say? Go Ducks
What you say? Go Ducks
Of Oregon
Ever zany, never rainy
Yo! the Green of Oregon
Tossin' red meat, mostly Beaver
At the throng, so cheer them on
What you say? Go Ducks
What you say? Go Ducks
What you say? Go Ducks
What you say? Go Ducks
What you say? Go Ducks
What you say? Go Ducks