I will speak Truth
It's on my mind
Not hard to find
I will speak Truth
Everywhere I go
To all I know
Being Truthful makes you better each day
It's plain to see
What's best for me
I will speak Truth
Not playing around
Truth will be found
I will speak Truth
Everywhere I go
To all I know
I will speak Truth
Truth is a jewel
Honesty rules
Being Truthful makes you better each day
I just feel better when I'm telling the Truth
You're dismissed
You're dismissed
You're dismissed
Playing with people's minds
You're dismissed
Being Truthful makes you better each day
Selfish is
A monster
Stingy is
His cousin
If you mess up
Don't deny it
If your heart is cold
Reapply it
To all that makes you good inside and out
We need you
To get a grip
And apologize
If you slip
Why you got a 'tude
Just tell us
Don't mope around
And make a fuss
Do all that makes you good inside and out
You got so much good inside
Don't shut down and hide
And we know you have much to share
Your good will get you there
You got so much good inside
Don't shut down and hide
And we know you have much to share
Your good will get you there
Nothing and no one will
Defeat you
Effort will
Reward you
Don't say no
When you haven't tried
Give it a go
With joy and pride
To all that makes you good inside and out
Make sure to have
Good character
Lend a hand
When it matters
Go for broke
Nothing to lose
A great life
Is yours to choose
Do all that makes you good inside and out
We believe in you
Be good inside and out