Mammoth far
Beer is near
Fall fire night
Best time of year
Fire go pop-pop
Scare bitey cat away
Grug and tribe here
Good time today
Miller Lite beer
Grunt and cheer
Mammoth far
Good times here
Stick poke fire
Flame grow big
Friends tell tale
Me like twig
Miller Lite beer
Grunt and cheer
Mammoth far
Good times here
Bonfire bright
Beer taste good
Caveman laugh
In dark wood
Moon show face
Tusk-beast roar
Pour more beer
Tribe want more
Miller Lite beer
Grunt and cheer
Mammoth far
Good times here
Miller Lite beer
Grunt and cheer
Mammoth far
Good times here
Mammoths may roam
And fire may fade
But Miller Lite nights
How caveman legends are made!