The history smells like putrefaction
Hegemony and destruction
Culture through violation
Robbery, lies and corruption
Rivers of blood over the earth
The four winds bring farce
A disgusting tradition
Naivety is ridiculous
The rough time keeps his flight
Don't let them get you inactive
Only the strong survives
It's better from our side
It's time to stop and think
In that thing called mankind
Pay attention to our song
We are the point of inflection
A killer army has been created
They preserved enlightenment
A lot of atrocious crimes
In the name of reason
They've venerated some concepts
At the expense of corpses
Colonialist, egocentricity
Imperialist logocentrism
The rough time keeps his flight
Don't let them get you inactive
Only the strong survives
It's better from our side
It's time to stop and think
In that thing called mankind
Pay attention to our song
We are the point of inflection