He is the great and above all gods
Depths of the earth are in his hands
Strength of the hills and the sea are his
Created heaven and the earth
Created us
In His image to live with Him
Sacrificed Himself
To pay our debts
Shout aloud
To the Rock of Salvation
Shout aloud
To the Rock of Salvation
Shout aloud
To the Rock of Salvation
Shout aloud
To the Rock of Salvation
He came for us from heaven to earth
And crucified Himself for us
He died and rose again
To give us eternal life
Removed our sins as far from us
As far as east is from the west
Put faith in him
And get eternal life
Shout aloud
To the Rock of Salvation
Shout aloud
To the Rock of Salvation
Shout aloud
To the Rock of Salvation
Shout aloud
To the Rock of Salvation
Shout aloud
To the Rock of Salvation
Shout aloud
To the Rock of Salvation
Shout aloud
To the Rock of Salvation
Shout aloud
To the Rock of Salvation