Deep in the woods visions take hold
Cameron the ape dreams of times untold
Market's chaos and disease they betide
Whispers of a world where fortunes collide
Through tangled vines and trees of green
Mad words of a man unseen and keen
RoaringKitty they called him loud
Spoke of a stock breaking through the cloud
GameStop he said would shake the ground
From jungle whispers to Wall Street's sound
Hold the line through thick and thin
In this game one's not to give in
Disease to spread like creeping vine
World to halt in twisted time
Cameron's heart with worry fine
Cries of panic now align
Cameron puzzled hears the roar
Numbers dancing like never before
Stocks and shares in a digital sea
He grips the knowledge under the tree
The jungle quiets in the moonlit night
Visions of market's fictional fight
Disease spreading with whispers true
Yet the man's tales spark a financial coup
Stocks and vines all intertwined
RoaringKitty's words rewind
Deep in woods where shadows bind
Ape and man both redefine
GameStop he said would shake the ground
From jungle whispers to Wall Street's sound
Hold the line through thick and thin
In this game one's not to give in