Jesus went to Gadara to a man steeped in sin
Demons controlled his life he had no peace within
Soon he sat at Jesus' feet his heart and life were clean
No longer in his misery the change was clearly seen
What changed when you walked that isle what changed when you prayed
What changed when you professed to know the Lord
Salvation isn't in a church or words you might have said
When Christ is real your life will surely change
Jonah rebelled against the Lord and refused to obey
The call of God to Ninevah to bring a better day
Three days and nights within that whale he really met the Lord
And when he stood upon the shore he was different than before
Yes many today profess the Lord but go on in their old ways
Because they did a religious thing they think that they're ok
The truth is they are just as lost as they ever were before
As you observe their daily walk nothing's really changed
What changed when you walked that isle what changed when you prayed
What changed when you professed to know the Lord
Salvation isn't in a church or words you might have said
When Christ is real your life will surely change